Celebrating Accessibility Day: Embracing digital inclusion at Scrumconnect

Celebrating Accessibility Day: Embracing digital inclusion at Scrumconnect

(London, Thur 16 May 2024) At Scrumconnect Consulting, we believe that digital accessibility is not just a technical requirement but a fundamental human right. We are thrilled to join the global celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, a day dedicated to promoting awareness and understanding of digital access and inclusion.

Everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access

Accessibility Day is a time for everyone – designers, developers, testers and users – to come together and focus on making the digital world accessible to all. At Scrumconnect, our user researchers (URs) and testers are deeply engaged in this mission. They continuously advocate for accessibility, ensuring every product we develop is usable by people with diverse abilities.

Our team’s commitment:

  • User researchers: Our UR team plays a crucial role in understanding the needs of users with disabilities. They conduct extensive research to gather insights on how different users interact with our digital products. This research informs our design and development processes, ensuring that accessibility is integrated from the outset.
  • Testers: Our testers are vigilant in identifying and addressing accessibility issues. They use a multitude of tools and techniques to test our products, ensuring they meet accessibility standards and provide a seamless experience for all users.

Automated accessibility testing across government departments

Our developers at Scrumconnect have taken significant strides in automating accessibility tests. These automated tests are now widely used across various government departments, ensuring public digital services are accessible to everyone.

Automated testing tools:

  • Custom scripts and tools: Our developers have created bespoke scripts and tools that integrate seamlessly with existing development workflows. These tools automatically check for common accessibility issues, such as colour contrast problems, missing alt text and keyboard navigation errors.
  • Continuous integration: By incorporating automated accessibility tests into our continuous integration (CI) pipelines, we ensure accessibility is continuously monitored and maintained throughout the development lifecycle.

Making a difference: real impact, real stories

The impact of our commitment to accessibility is evident in the positive feedback we receive from users and the success stories from our projects. Our work with government departments has not only improved the accessibility of their digital services but has also raised awareness about the importance of digital inclusion within these organisations.

Success stories:

  • Department for Work and Pensions: Our collaboration with DWP involved implementing automated accessibility tests for their public health information platforms. This initiative has significantly improved the accessibility of vital health information, ensuring that it reaches all citizens, including those with disabilities and vulnerable citizens.
  • Department for Education: We worked with DfE to enhance the accessibility of their online learning resources. By integrating automated accessibility checks, we ensured that educational materials are accessible to students with various disabilities, promoting inclusive education.

Join us in celebrating Accessibility Day

As we celebrate Accessibility Day, we invite everyone to join us in advocating for digital inclusion. Let’s continue to talk, think, and learn about accessibility, making the digital world a better place for everyone.

How you can get involved:

  • Educate yourself: Learn about digital accessibility and the challenges faced by people with disabilities.
  • Advocate for inclusion: Promote accessibility within your organisation and community.
  • Support accessible products: Choose and support digital products that prioritise accessibility.

At Scrumconnect, we are proud of our contributions to digital accessibility and are committed to continuing our efforts. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that the digital world is inclusive for all.

For more information on Accessibility Day and how you can participate, visit Accessibility Day.

Let’s make every day an Accessibility Day!

By celebrating Accessibility Day and sharing our efforts, Scrumconnect aims to inspire others to prioritise digital accessibility and create a more inclusive digital landscape for everyone.

About Scrumconnect Consulting

Scrumconnect Consulting is a premier UK digital technology company, specialising in elevating public sector services through innovative digital solutions. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and efficiency, Scrumconnect's team of experts drives the development and support of customised digital services that benefit the public and enhance the citizen experience.

For more information, please contact: people@scrumconnect.com