How to take back control during blurry lines of remote working

How to take back control during blurry lines of remote working

The juggling of everything and the fatigue gets a bit much at the moment. With the month of  May being #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth we’ve put some things in place that helps people with #contextswitching #mentalhealth weekly

  • Weekly Coffee Morning chat – people dip in and out of the call depending on their work. The concept is like you are going to the office tea room and chatting with other colleagues
  • Chats help’s to surface, brainstorm simple things like “I am getting irritated by constant context switching with kids interrupting”  “I am facing issues by working alone in my home because I like to work in a social environment” and surprising where others chip in on how they have adopted things
  • This is an opportunity for us not only to discuss what is happening with work but to find out how everyone is generally, how their families are, and how they have adjusted to the current situation.
  • Tips and tricks for working from home, context switchings, exercising and to the point on what news things they are doing some have picked up cooking, some reading new books, some have added exercising in their daily routine
  • Mental models on knowing your limits like what you can control, what you can influence and what you can’t control and influence help’s us to avoid frustration
  • Get enough rest
  • Using Pomodoro techniques to ensure Consistency is more important than exertion

For us, the mental health of our staff comes first, it is very important to us.  During this pandemic, we have seen an increase in productivity within the team.  Over the weeks, the team has adjusted to working from home, at first there was uncertainty and now they are all relaxed, happy, and looking forward to the future and what is to come.